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The Downs Primary School & Nursery

The Downs Primary School & Nursery

Half Term Childcare

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SportsCool (4-11 years)

We are pleased to inform you that The Downs Primary and Nursery are working in partnership with SportsCool to offer a half-term childcare club. This is a fantastic opportunity for children to stay active, have fun, and engage in a range of exciting actives during the school break.

This club provides a safe, enjoyable environment for children during the holidays. If you are interested in booking a place or would like more information, please visit

Contact Details:

 The Downs Primary School, The Hides, Harlow, Essex CM20 3RB


Access FREE Holiday Activities

The HAF (Holiday Activity & Food) programme offers a variety of holiday clubs that cater to children of all ages, and the funding is available to help parents cover the costs of these clubs.

Please contact SportsCool to find out more about the HAF programme.

For more information on eligibility and HAF guidance 22 click here.

We hope this will be a great option for families needing childcare over the half-term break!
