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The Downs Primary School & Nursery

The Downs Primary School & Nursery

SEN/D Provision and Inclusion


Potter Street Academy Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

For a variety of reasons some children may experience difficulty in their learning and may have Special Educational Needs at any given time.  They may need extra help in a range of areas.  For example:

  • reading, writing, number work
  • understanding, processing and retaining information
  • expressing themselves or understanding what others say
  • making friends or relating to adults
  • following the behaviour policy in school
  • organising themselves
  • sensory needs; visual; hearing impairment or physical needs.
  • Emotional needs

The school has a policy for children with Special Educational Needs/Disabilities and a SEN/D information report that follows. The SEN/D Code of Practice underpins these documents and can be found on the website.

  • The majority of children will have their special needs met in class, through strategies and approaches that are planned and differentiated for them, at the appropriate level.  This may include additional resources, smaller group teaching or targeted support at appropriate times from an adult.  
  • Sometimes, with parental permission, it is necessary to seek the advice of the Specialist Services to support the following areas; Cognition and Learning, Speech Language and Communication (including Autism), Physical and Sensory (hearing impairments (HI), visual impairments (VI) and physical and neurological impairments (PNI)), Social Emotional Mental Health (SEMH). School have access to an Inclusion Partner and the Educational Psychologist (EP) service who may also work with your child. Occasionally we also need to contact outside agencies such as; CAMHs, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists Their advice will help the school in planning appropriately and providing the best resources for your child.  
  • Most children have their needs met at the level of SEND Support. A very small number of children may have more complex and long lasting difficulties for which the Local Authority may agree an Educational Health Care Plan. This describes all your child’s special educational needs and the special help your child will receive.

We will involve you fully in all aspects of your child’s progress and development at school.  We will talk to you at the earliest stages if we think your child may have special educational needs of any kind.  We also encourage you to speak to your child’s teacher if you are concerned about any aspects of your child’s learning or behaviour.   

Individual One Plan  

Any child identified as having a Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) will be placed on the school SEND register and a One Plan or Pupil Passport will be drafted. Class teachers facilitate these, but they are overseen by the school Inclusion Leader.  A Pupil Passport will state your child’s needs and the overall provision they require in order to reach their potential. The One Plan is more detailed and will set their outcomes and targets. It also details the support your child needs. When a One Plan is needed, you will be invited to meet with your child’s teacher and, in some instances, the SENCo to discuss your child’s plan. These processes help to share the views of the child, parents, and the school. We find that with the help and co-operation of parents and carers, and with everyone working together, the majority of children make great progress.

In some instances, if either yourself or the school think there may be an underlying medical condition (such as Autism or ADHD) that could need investigating, we can support with referrals to the Child Development Centre.

Special Physical Needs

We also have disabled toilet facilities within the school building and lifts that enable access to different levels in the school. For children with limited mobility requiring a wheelchair, who need to come to school by car, we can facilitate disabled parking to enable easier access to the school.

Consistent Management Behaviour Plan (CMBP)  

If the learning difficulties arise from a child’s behaviour and social emotional needs, a Consistent Management Behaviour Plan (CMBP) will be put in place to support your child. This usually includes the support of the Learning Mentor. 
Emotional Wellbeing  

The school highly values the Emotional Wellbeing of all children. As a school children have weekly access to My Happy Mind to support their emotional wellbeing. Support is provided wherever it is needed throughout the day: this may be in class or during break and lunchtimes.

For children who have a higher level of Emotional Needs we may talk with parents about referring them to the school’s independent counselling service, Harbour Counselling.

For children with the highest level of Emotional Needs, we will liaise with parents and refer to West Essex Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHs)).

Working with parents

You have a vital role in supporting your child's education, so we listen carefully to your views and to the wishes of your child.  

If you have any concerns about the support in place for your child, first talk to your child’s class teacher. This is the most effective way of working out any misunderstandings. It is important that parents work with the school as much as they can. You can also speak with the SENCo, Assistant SENCo or Head Teacher if you need to.

You may also find it useful to talk to other parents through your local Families in Focus service, or to link up with local and national voluntary organisations and parents' groups. More information about these services can be found on Essex Local Offer: Essex County Council: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) | Essex Local Offer

Essex local authority has a duty to provide information, advice, and support for parents of children with SEN and will have details of local services. Alternatively this information can also be found through the SEND Information and Advice Service (SENDIASS). Essex SEND - Information, Advice and Support Service (

Most SENDIASS services should offer you:

  • access to a confidential telephone helpline 
  • impartial information and advice around SEN issues
  • support in preparing for and attending meetings
  • help in filling in forms and writing letters/reports
  • contact details for other statutory and voluntary services
  • links to local parent support groups and forums
  • the chance to submit your views, which will help inform and influence local policy and practice
  • training opportunities. 


If you have any questions, please contact us.