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The Downs Primary School & Nursery

The Downs Primary School & Nursery

Breakfast Club

We hold a breakfast club each morning, Monday to Friday, for children who attend our school.

The cost per session is £2.50 for the first child and £2.00 for siblings of the first child.

Breakfast club is not available for nursery age children. Children who are starting school in our reception class are welcome to the breakfast club. However, we do ask that parents wait until their child is sufficiently settled in school before they send their child to club.

Breakfast club begins at 7.45am. Whilst at club, the children are offered a variety of breakfast choices (listed below) and can take part in many different activities to keep them busy until the start of the school day. When the school bell rings at 8.40am the children are then escorted by our staff to their class.

At Breakfast Club we offer all children the following:

Choice of Cereal:

Toast with:


Rice Krispies

Spaghetti Hoops
Baked Beans

Apple Juice
Orange Juice
Hot Chocolate

Places at breakfast club are limited and allocated on a first come first served basis so it is essential that all parents book their child’s place in advance via the school office. For more information, please contact the school office on 01279 445538 or email

If you would like a space for your child/ren at Breakfast Club, please contact Mrs Randall (Admin Assistant) on 01279 445538 or email

Payment should be made via the Arbor parent app.