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The Downs Primary School & Nursery

The Downs Primary School & Nursery

Helpful websites

Please note that you use all websites and content at your own risk. Resources made available through the lists are subject to third party terms and conditions and copyright law.

Access to resources is in most cases free of charge, but it is your responsibility to check whether you have to pay to view and/or copy specific content contained within the resources.

It is your responsibility to monitor your child's use of any of the following websites and their suitability for your child.

For School Parents' Evening 

SchoolCloud - The Downs Primary School and Nursery

Follow us on twitter - @thedownsprimary

Please find below links to other websites that you may find useful.


For School uniform: 

Schoolwear, Teamwear & Workwear | Create Identitee

For information regarding admissions, free school meals etc:

For the Ofsted website and Parent View Questionnaire:

For the Department for Education (DfE) school performance tables:

For some useful dietary information and help on healthy lunchboxes: 

Please see the site below for a list of recommended reading books for your children: